BG Products K5901 Cooling System Flush Coolant Service Kit
BG Universal Cooling System Cleaner PN 540 & BG Universal Super Cool® PN 546
The BG Coolant System Service Kit is comprised of the Universal Cooling System Cleaner and the Universal Super Cool® coolant additive. The cooling system cleaner provides superior removal of scale, oil, and harsh mineral deposits that form in the coolant system. When used as directed, the cooling system cleaner will remove corrosion products that can hasten inhibitor depletion and increase metal corrosion within the engine and radiator. Can be used in gasoline or diesel engines. Your coolant system will not require any neutralization after using BG cleaner.
After using the BG coolant system cleaner, the Super Cool Coolant Additive is added to the coolant system. The Super Cool Additive is specially formulated for use in conventional, long life, hybrid, and diesel coolants. It provides outstanding protection for all metals utilized in modern automotive cooling systems. It has excellent corrosion inhibitors, anti-foam capabilities, and is biodegradable in unused form.
*Remove rust, scale and sludge from cooling system.
*Improves cooling system function.
*Extends coolant life.
*Reduces the chance of overheating.
*Can extend the life of cooling system components.